Book-like polyester plastic water bottle aquabook

Do not know whether the young friends remembered last year Xiaobian introduced a very stylish plastic water bottle named memobottle. The Australian guy has inspired books like drinking water bottles (flat sizes A3, A4 and A5) from the size of the paper. It is made of polyester material that does not contain bisphenol A and is easy to carry, as shown below:

Recently, two Germans have improved the design of the water bottle. The improved water bottle is called aquabook. The style selection is more diverse. Please see the picture:

The improved water bottle has the following characteristics:

1, more flexible bottle design, making it easier to carry and store

2, aquabook bottles and caps can provide a variety of colors to meet different people

3, this water bottle can be reused, compared with the traditional PET water bottle longer life, more environmentally friendly. According to the official introduction, the water bottle can be reused 1270 times (how to get the data?).

4, aquabook makers have helped everyone think of a good cleaning method, prepared two accessories: (1) cleaning tablets (2) plastic brushes, and both are complex food safety requirements. Of course, cleaning with a dishwasher is also OK.

(For details, please refer to: )

[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone

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