Color Emotion and Visual Psychology (6)

Five, color mixing

Mixing two or more colors with each other causes a new color that is different from the original color to be called a mixture of colors. They can be summarized as additive color mixing, subtractive color mixing, spatial mixing, and spatial mixing.

<1>. Additive color mixing Additive color mixing is color light mixing, also called first mixing. When different colored lights are irradiated together at the same time, another kind of new colored light can be generated, and the amount of mixing with different colors increases. The brightness of the mixed-color light will be gradually increased. The three colors of red (orange), green, and blue (violet) are respectively mixed in appropriate proportions to obtain other different shades of light. On the other hand, other shades of light cannot mix these three shades of light, so they are called the three primary colors of shaded light, and they add together to give white light.

The additive color mixing effect is accomplished by the human visual organs, so it is a visual mixture. The result of additive color mixing is the change of hue and the increase of lightness, but the purity does not decrease.
Additive color mixing is widely used in stage lighting and television, computer design and other fields.

<Second> subtractive color mixing method subtractive color mixing, also known as the second mixture. When the light source is not changed, two or more color materials are mixed to produce a new color material. The reflected light is equivalent to white light minus the absorbed light of various color materials, and the reflectance is reduced. Therefore, in contrast to additive color mixing, the hue of the mixed color material not only changes, but also decreases the brightness and purity. Therefore, the more types of colors that are blended, the darker and more turbid the colors, and finally the black and gray state.

People's color mixing in painting, designing, dyeing and painting are all applications of subtractive color methods.

<3> Space mixing is also called neutral mixing and third mixing. Interspersing and juxtaposed two or more colors outside a certain visual space can result in a mixed effect in human eyes. Therefore, space is mixed. In fact, the colors themselves are not really mixed. They are not luminous bodies, but only a mixture of reflected light. Therefore, compared with the subtractive method, a certain amount of light stimulus is added, and the brightness is equal to the average value of the brightness of the mixed color light, neither reduction nor increase.

Because it is actually higher than the subtractive color mixing method, the color effect appears rich and loud, and there is a sense of tremor in the space, which expresses the natural and object-like light sensation and shines even more.

Space mixing must have the necessary conditions.

(1) The colors of the contrasting parties are bright and relatively strong.

(2) The area of ​​the color is small, and the shape is a small color point, a small color patch, a thin color line, etc., and becomes dense.

(3) The positional relationship of colors is juxtaposition, interspersed, and crossover.

(4) There is a considerable visual space distance.

Sixth, strong stimuli and form beauty techniques

<1> Color Stimulus Reconciliation

The beauty of color can provide people with spiritual and psychological enjoyment. People choose the color they are willing to accept according to their own preferences and habits. To meet the needs of all parties. From the narrow sense of color harmony standards, it is required to provide a group of color combinations without sharp stimulation, but this meaning only provides one aspect of visual comfort. Because of the over-convergence of color combinations, the effect will appear vague, flat, tedious, monotonous, visually palliative, and more likely to cause boredom, fatigue, and the like.
However, the contrast type of the large-angle color on the hue ring has a strong stimulating effect on the human eye, and the overly dazzling effect is more likely to cause visual fatigue, resulting in extremely uncomfortable feeling of discomfort, making the person's psychology appear anxious as they lose balance. Tension, anxiety, mood can not be stable.

Therefore, in many occasions, in order to improve the disharmonious situation caused by the excessively intense color contrast, a broad realm of color harmonization is reached, that is, the colors are vibrant, contrastive, vibrant, and not too stimulating and sharp. Blazing, this must use strong stimulation to reconcile the tactics.

1. The area method contrasts the characteristics of the color with the area contrast between the two sides where the color is relatively strong, so that one side is in a large-area state of absolute superiority, resulting in its stable dominant position, and the other is a small-area subordinate attribute. For example, in the ancient poetry of China, "a little red in the green plexus" and so on.

2 barrier method, also known as color separation method, separation method.

(1) Strong Contrast Barriers In the case of fresh tissue tones, the colors of the high-purity colors, which are relatively strong in color, are embedded in separate lines or blocks of gold, silver, black, white, and gray to adjust the intensity of the colors. The original color scheme is buffered and produces a new, superior color effect.

(2) Weak contrast blocking This method is often used to remedy the weak and fuzzy sensations that are caused by the contrast between hue, lightness, and purity of colors. When the colors are closer, such as light gray green, light blue gray, light coffee, etc., the dark gray lines are used to outline the barrier process, so that more shapes can be requested to be clear, clear, and lively, without contrasting tones, soft, elegant, and subtle. The beauty of color.

3. In the case of a combination of multiple colors that are relatively more intense than strong colors, the general tone method is often used to add a certain common element and let uniform colors dominate the entire color in order to achieve overall unity and harmonious coordination. There are three types of color tuning.

(1) Hue Tuyue In all of the colors that participate in the combination, all of them contain a common hue, so that the color match has the effect of both contrast and balance. Such as yellow green, orange, yellow orange, yellow and other color combinations, which are adjusted by the yellow phase.

(2) Brightness adjustment: In all the colors of many participating combinations, they all contain white or bright colors in order to obtain an overall hue in lightness. Such as pink green, blood teeth, pink, light snow blue, sky blue, light gray and other color combinations, unified by white into a bright, beautiful "paste" color tone.

(3) Purity adjustment In all the colors that participate in the combination, they are all gray at the same time, so as to obtain an overall purity in terms of purity. Such as blue gray, green gray, gray red, purple gray, gray and other color combinations, unified by the gray into elegant, delicate, subtle, enduring gray tone.

4. The weakening method makes the original color relatively strong and multifaceted. It increases the distance from lightness and purity, reduces the color and compares the disadvantages of the more conspicuous, blunt, and hot underneath. It serves to weaken the conflict and conflict and enhance the sense of maturity of the picture. And harmony. Such as the combination of red and green, because the color is relatively larger than the distance, brightness, purity contrast is small, feeling vulgar, irritable, uneasy. However, after adding brightness and purity factors, the situation will change. Such as red + white = pink, green + black = dark green, the combination of them is like the peony leaves of red flowers, feeling natural and beautiful.

5, comprehensive method will use more than two methods. If the combination of yellow and purple, the area method is used to make the yellow surface small, purple surface large, while the yellow into the white, purple mixed with gray, it becomes a combination of light yellow and purple gray, feeling both powerful and reconcile, It is the result of using both the area method and the weakening method.

(to be continued)